Wednesday, July 23, 2014


If today I sit and think about WHO AM I -  starting from the day I was born - I really feel
I was born as a consciousness TO GROW but what am I today?
At birth the normal assumption is that the ordinary state of consciousness is natural
or given to me by default. A more accurate conceptualization would be that my ordinary
consciousness is semi arbitrary constructed because I am born as a human being with
certain kind of body and nervous system operating in this environment of earth. I begin
my life with potential access to the wide spectrum of human potentialities which
 included learning of different languages, formats, cultures, knowledge, to travel in the
altered state of consciousness, enhance our paranormal abilities etc.. Though I get a
set back due to the genetic limitations but the cultural limitations imposes on ME are
of greater risk.
I am not born and raised in isolation but as a member of a particular culture. 
A culture is something that

a) has decided that certain human potential are good so cultivate them.
b) has decided that certain human potential are bad so block them.
c) is ignorant of the other vast number of human capabilities and potential and thus
fail to develop them due to disuse.

As an infant there are number of human potentials available when my parents start the
enculturing process, many potentialities remain latent to be explored and learned later
but some are totally blocked due to point (b) as stated above. But if I see I could have
learned that non-mother tongue language much easier and faster when I was an infant if
it was a part of my cultural growth.
Out of the vast set of potentialities that I was born with TODAY when i have passed my
childhood and adulthood are relatively small. I am a beneficiary of my culture selection
in term of my strength.
I function reasonably well within the consensus reality defined by the culture but very
poorly outside the culture boundaries.
I emphasize that the state of my consciousness in adulthood is semi arbitrary as I must
all have the minimum survival qualities in term of the physical world but since most of
my life is now spent in the conscious reality of our social world, which reality varies
hugely across cultures...this is very arbitrary.
The higher paranormal functions is largely residing among the latent potentials rather
than among the conscious developed in the culture. Most of us though born with the
higher consciousness... higher abilities cannot use them on will as they fall in the
point (c) as stated above.
If I see this enculturation process has built a large number of semi arbitrary
psychological structures which act as barriers beyond which it is difficult to venture,
thus I am  tied in the barrier of language, skills, emotional reactions etc.
As said it is difficult to venture outside these boundaries but it is not impossible even
though when at adulthood the conscious structure is defined and shaped. We need to show
some inner strength to break these boundaries and move towards the higher horizon.
If you are a parent of a young child you know where to start your OWN PROGRESS of



Shirish said...

Thats a good one.

Shirish said...

Thats a good one.

Anonymous said...

Good one