Monday, October 19, 2009

Ayurvedic Prakruti

After a long gap i am back with my part of knowledge sharing...... I would like to describe and share about the Prakriti from Ayurveda point of view and the Tridosha that are formed from the same.

According to the great vedic science of Ayurveda, a human body is one of the three times or a mixture of the three. The three divisions that are made are : 1. VATA 2. PITTA 3. KAPHA

All the problems that happens to the physical body are due to the excess of any one of the above or due to the imbalance of the prakruti..... these are termed as DOSHA and as there are three main divisions so it is explained under the heading of TRIDOSHA (three dosha)

I have tried to explain in short about the prakriti which is as below:

1. "Vata" is the combination of "space and air". This dosha is responsible for movement of fluid and air within the body including blood circulation and breathing. An exaggerated Vata causes insomnia and constipation etc. People who have a lot of vata in their constitution may have a lighter frame, be tall and thin and may have dark brown or gray eyes. An individual with a balanced vata may be described as creative, enthusiastic and lively.

2. "Pitta" is the "fire" of the body. It's responsible for the body's heat and metabolism. Too much Pitta in the body leads to a fiery disposition. It can also cause anger, ulcers, temperature, indigestion, acidity and balding etc. People who have a lot of pitta may have average build and light-colored eyes. They have a warm personality, and the qualities of intelligence and determination.

3. "Kapha dosha" is the "body's cement". A combination of "water and earth" elements, the Kapha is supposedly responsible for holding the body together. Too much of it can cause weight gain as well as allergies, bone related issues and congestion etc. People represents calmness, sweetness and loyalty.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Moving across the path of life if you have time to peep around and see that people are getting more and more involved into the spiritual path, but do we need to forget what is there with us and search for something that is yet to be discovered?

Moving with the pace of life today i got an opportunity to visit an OLD AGE home and my heart was in tears to see the souls from various aspects of caste and culture clubbed together under the same roof, thrown away as rotten carcass. The eyes can been seen fixed on the door for a glimpse of their beloved one, whom they can love, talk and smile with. It seems as years have passed which have just left tears in eyes and sadness hidden deep within the time wrinkles of the face. Today what they wait is just the DEATH as they have discovered the truth "NO ONE IS GOING TO COME"

The scene made me think that, would we be able to discover the hidden truth of spirituality and get anywhere near to GOD if we are far away from HUMANITY? Many a time i have overheard souls speaking that they are happiest person on this globe as they have everything in material as well as they are well placed with our guru on the spiritual track.
I would request everyone out there to look within self and also within their dwellings, are you connected with the GOD who is there with you?

Here GOD means your parents, as they are the creator of YOU on this earthy plane for this incarnation. We make them cry out for small things and their needs at this age and we say we are WELL PLACED in the society.

It was they because of whom you are there today shouting out loudly to the world that you are the happiest person, just walk back in time and see what would have happened if they would have decided to not bring you to this world or throw you out on the streets after your birth, you would have been hunting for your identity till date if that would have been the case.

There could be a EPIC that could be written on this topic but what i want to say in small and sweet is that, till we do not consider our personal creator as GOD we would never come near and would never discover the HIGHER GOD.

Please look back as it is never late to rediscover this FORGOTTEN LIFE ESSENCE.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Energy Chakra

Today i would like to take you all with me in the internal path of human design system. If we look around us we find that what every that is moving has some system that makes it move, see the wheels of the automobile or high escalators- they all move as they are fitted with some mechanically designed bearings(wheels) which actually are responsible for the smooth movement of everything.
So have we every sat and though as what is it that is there within us that makes us move so smoothly around.... comparing us with the mechanical structures does it means we also have some bearings that make the movement happen?
The answer to the same is YES, the bearings that are there in the physical us is called as CHAKRA, though it is not implanted within the physical body.

CHAKRA is a word that is derived from the sanskrit word - CHAKRAM which means a moving wheel or disc. In english these are called as the spinning vortex. According to the traditional Indian medicine system these chakra exist in the etheric double of a man and these are considered as the focal point for the reception and transmission of the energies. It is said by the old textures and even by the new spiritual gurus that these chakras interact with the ductless endocrine glands and the lymphatic system of the body.

They are seven major chakras but some textures talk about ten/eleven major chakras also. There are many minor chakras present which helps in other movements of the body such as the palms of hands, body joints and the eyes and ears etc.

I would like to discuss the major seven chakra here leaving the other chakras for future.

1. The Root chakra (Muldhara) : at sacrum/coccyx

2. The second chakra (Svadhisthana): between the NAVEL and the pubic bone

3. The third or solar plexus chakra (Manipura) : between sternum and navel

4. The hearth chakra (Anahata) : middle of sternum

5. The throat chakra (Vissudha) : Throat area

6. The third eye (Ajna) : between eyebrows

7. The crown chakra (Sahasara) : at top of head

These are the seven main chakra and the position on the etheric double of a man.

According to the ancient scriptures there are BEEJ (seed) mantra that are associated with every chakra.

1. The Root chakra (Muldhara) : LAM

2. The second chakra (Svadhisthana) : VAM

3. The third or solar plexus chakra (Manipura): RAM

4. The hearth chakra (Anahata) : YAM

5. The throat chakra (Vissudha): HAM

6. The third eye (Ajna) : OM

7. The crown chakra (Sahasara) : (Silence-Peace )

This is a vital essence of life that is forgotten in the pace of life and if this system is followed and understood it would not be difficult to keep away the disease and stress from life.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Suffer in Silence

The first lesson that we are made to learn on the path of oneness with divine is "Suffer in Silence". The great saints and the masters have always practiced and preached this lesson......
Do we have any idea as what does these 3 beautiful words making a sentence means ACTUALLY.

If we say that a person has a deadly disease and he does not say that to anyone and dies.... that is he is actually suffering the burn of the disease in silence.... does this means that this is the lesson of spirituality and the other person who rings ups the world that he is infected and is about to die due to a particular disease is not the person on the path of spirituality? (A BIG QUESTION)

Now coming to a point where i would like to discuss as what this could be, i would like to share something on what could be the actual meaning of the word SUFFER or SUFFERING. Is this a event that is created by GOD, the PARABRAHMA, the creator of all, the father to everything then can we digest the opinion that a creator, a father can produce an event called SUFFERING for his child? (ANOTHER QUESTION MARK)

In a house where i am a spectator a child is slapped by his mother, what would pass across my mind at that very moment is.... "The child is suffering...." this came to me without i knowing the reason why the event happened, thus i created suffering for the child. The actual reason behind the slap was the child did not do well in the exams. The reason came bit late to me but i did the destruction and created the event of SUFFER.
Thus it is not GOD who created this event, but it is I (we) who created this unknowingly....

The child who was slapped did not revolted and kept a silence..... as he knew it was his mistake and he need to learn something that he has missed out the last time, or learn something new..... does this not match with the topic of discussion..... (SUFFER IN SILENCE)

If the child would have been of the adamant type would he have kept his silence, though he cannot slap back his mother but his revolt would have come in other form where in he might give up study and would be happy to be re slapped in his next exam.....

The actual MASTERS say..... when you get suffering in the path of LIFE it has a simple meaning..... We are yet to learn something that we are missing out.......

If the Child would have studies his subjects properly he would have cleared the exam and there would have been no suffering in form of a slap from his mother.

This does not mean that GOD slaps us when ever we do not learn the subject properly, he would try to show us what we need to learn in some other form...
- A child has a bitter relation with his father/mother which is causing a state of suffering in his/her life (child need to learn who parents are)
- A couple do not gel up perfectly with each other (they need to learn sharing and oneness)
- A student fails in the exam (he need to learn the subject properly)
The list goes on and on.

Thus it is not that a person should keep quite if he has a disease and suffer in silence but the actual meaning to it is to learn as in what made the disease effect him and left him in the state of DIS-EASE.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


How much do we know about the nature? There is no day that has passed that a new discovery is not made, does that mean we just know a drop out of the huge ocean that is still hiding somewhere around us.

In the past we have heard people saying "though we have eyes but we cannot see" what does this mean. In the past when people used to say that they can see and sense something beyond the physical body we used to treat them as evil persons and put them behind bars or kill them. They were treated as paranormal personalities.
After the great discovery by KIRLIAN we came to know about the existence of the energy body and then removed this subject out of the paranormal subject.

So what did Kirlian discovered and what was the meaning of the old saying that is written above.

AURA - This is a kind of shield that is around the physical body of any object known or unknown. Starting from the smallest atom to the greatest mountain, everything has a energy pattern around them. This is a vibration field that is there around which protects the physical body and also is the channel of communication with the higher worlds.

By the above sentence the people actually meant that they are not able to see the AURA as they physical eyes are not developed to the stage which can see beyond the physical existence of the body.

The point that differentiate the aura of a living and a non living being is that the aura around the living body changes time to time depending on the mental ability, the though process and the environment where as the aura around a non living being remain the same and does not change frequently. The aura or the energy around a non living being like a crystal can be changed by the power of intention.

Going ahead for the aura around the living being or a living human, we can say that actually there are seven layer of this energy body and just not one.
1. Etheric Body - ROOT CHAKRA

2. Emotional Body - SACRAL CHAKRA

3. Mental Body - SOLAR PLEX CHAKRA

4. Astral Body - HEART CHAKRA

5. Etheric Temple - THROAT CHAKRA

6. Celestial Body - AJNA CHAKRA (BROW CENTER)

7. Causal Body - CROWN CHAKRA

It is seen that as the layer of aura increase the vibration increases and the energy patters goes from subtle to subtler.

There is a very known field in alternate medication that has evolved today is the AURA READING which gives the complete analysis of the person and any kind of ailments he would be going across or are expected to arrive.

We have forgotten the art of seeing that is beyond the scope of the physical eye and are putting them under the category of paranormal manifestations.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Remembrance and Ignorance

The two words(Remembrance and Ignorance) that can create a temple of peace or dig a grave inside you.
Now coming to a broader look on the two words, one by one, keeping the spiritual aspect in mind what would be the description.

Remembrance : To remember the divine and his creation at anytime during any phase of the life.

Ignorance : Be sceptical of the divine and his creation and his method of working.

Does the definition perfect the way it is above or there is something missing? Let me pen down a small story to make things a bit clearer.

Once upon a time two devotee of SAI BABA made up their mind to go to the holy place of SHIRDI. During that time there were no vehicles so they had to walk till the holy destination. During the journey they came to know that one person is a very poor being in this incarnation and struggle very hard to earn his leaving and the second one is a very rich person with all the comforts under his belt.
The only thing that was similar was the devotion towards SAI.
During the journey at a place the poor guy suddenly hit himself against a sharp stone and tore open his foot.The rich guy did not bothered to help him though they were on the same journey.
Moving little ahead they saw many gold coins and as the poor was not able to walk so the rich guy ran and collected all of them leaving none for the poor guy though the rich guy already had a lot.

Before retiring to bed the poor guy prayed to SAI and asked him what justice is this? The rich has got more richness and i got the pain?

During the phase of sleep, the poor guy had a dream of SAI and heard him explain the matter.

SAI said in the last incarnation you had collected many bad karma and the result of which was that you were to die today, but since your devotion towards me (divine) is so strong that death came in the form of pain and for the RICH guy he has a bundle of good karma from his last incarnation but as his devotion towards material is more he got few coins where in he was supposed to get a kingdom.

From the above story we can add to the above definition a single word that is "FAITH".
Remembrance is actually the FAITH(blind) in the divine and his actions.
Ignorance is actually the lack of FAITH(not even blind) in the divine and his actions.

There is a quote penned down by me few days back that i would like to share:


It is the IGNORANCE of the self that make us frame questions to GOD as what is this? as we actually do not REMEMBER that all is planned for the betterment of the self.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Why we DIE

After the question of Why we are BORN, the question comes as Why we DIE. As discussed in the last post where we have seen the few reasons for the soul to come on the earth plane, now the point comes as if those reasons are not fulfilled then why does the physical body dies?

As said in the BIBLE - The body is the temple of the soul. This says all and nothing is left. the physical body is just a carrier of the soul for his movement in this Physical Earth. As Jesus said that this physical body is the Temple so do we care about the temple or are we more connected with the material outside.

This carelessness towards the temple leads towards the deterioration of the physical body which on the frame of time decays and at the end comes to a position where it cannot fulfill the criteria for the evolution of the soul.

Our ancient sage did many a things to preserve the physical body and take proper care of it with all the respect so that the decay process is delayed and they can complete the task of the soul in a single incarnation and do not have to come back and take a new body to move ahead.

If we see around us, we would find people taking the physical body towards the end via addiction and bad conduct on a very rapid phase and this indeed if we see has actually increased the number of natural deaths of the physical body compared to what we can check statistically few years back.

So what is the motto that remains in today's world...... preservation of the physical body as this is the carrier of the soul which is the actual truth. We can help the divine soul who has actually blessed the physical us by taking or choosing this body as the carrier on this plane.

Friday, June 26, 2009


The process of looking inside is called Meditation. Mediate from the material world and move inside is the goal of meditation. If we scientifically see during meditation we reach an ALPHA state where in the mind calms down to a point where there are ZERO thought forms which eventually relaxes the physical body.

The basic meditations that can be performed on a daily basis are:
The first for of meditation is where the goal is to clear your mind of all external thoughts and allow your mind to go blank for as long as you can. This is a basic but very important form of meditation used for relaxation.

Another form of meditation is a focused meditation in which you focus upon a specific object for a length of time, ridding your mind of all other thoughts and concentrating upon the object solely. This meditation helps you learn to focus and also helps develop concentration.

Meditation is a technique for deep relaxation to heal the body, quiet the mind, create inner peace, harmony and balance through focus and awareness. For relaxation and stress reduction, healing and health techniques, pain management, life improvement, psychic visions ,channeling, and mediumship. Techniques can range from a very simple relaxation exercise to in depth guided imagery and self healing.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why are we BORN

While traveling to the depth of LIFE the major hurdle that come is actually from the LIFE. I still remember a young lad during my travel across to a defined destination asking me " Why are we born on EARTH, is there no other place to be born at, if not then what is the reason behind the birth?"
The question can be waved off in thin air without giving it a notice, but when we are sitting alone and this same question arises in our mind we are bound to think over it again and again and without even knowing the young lad from whom the question originated we always tend to place our self on his place to ask it again and again.
We see everyone around us but we find it very difficult to get an exact replica of the self in every situation, no two humans have the same criteria of living here, so what is it that we come here for and how come everyone has different roles to play?

Looking into the same question from spiritual point of view, we can say
1. To balance the equation of GIVE and TAKE and clear our balance sheet with others- When we use a credit card we pay the amount back to the bank either as a one time payment or divide the amount in small installments. Taking this as an example we can say that we have taken this life form as a credit from the DIVINE and we have to pay it back. During our stay here we do good as well as bad things which are credited to our account that either plays as late fee charges or some bonus free gifts. The moment we have cleared our credit we leave this form. If we have some extra late fee added to our account we come back again to the same plane but in a different form to clear it.

2. To make a clear progress towards truth with control of mind and attaining salvation- Taking the above credit card example here also, if we use the card properly and as per actual need we can say we have the control on the card that is our MIND which is not wandering as in the former case. Once we have the control on the usage of the credit that we accumulate we can clear our debts to the earliest and move out from the race of life and death to attain the highest life along with the divine.

Coming back and born again on the same PLANE that is earth is bit difficult to answer as we are not aware of the existence of any other place till date, but taking ahead the example of the credit card we can say that if suppose we take credit from a bank A, we cannot pay bank B the amount, in the similar way we have to come back to EARTH where we have actually planted our deeds to nullify them.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Meaning of OM (SOUND)

In my last post i tried to bring about the meaning of OM as a symbol and here below i would like to share the knowledge of AUM as a sound...... the sound of eternity and peace.

A deeper insight into this mystic symbol reveals that it is composed of three worlds combined into one. Indeed in Sanskrit the vowel 'o' is constitutionally a diphthong compound of a + u; hence OM is written as AUM.

As a sacred sound also, the pronunciation of the three-syllabled AUM is open to a rich logical analysis.
The first alphabet A is regarded as the primal sound, independent of cultural contexts. It is produced at the back of the open mouth, and is therefore said to include, and to be included in, every other sound produced by the human vocal organs. Indeed A is the first letter of the Sanskrit alphabet.

The open mouth of A moves toward the closure of M. Between is U, formed of the openness of A but shaped by the closing lips. Here it must be recalled that as interpreted in relation to the three curves, the three syllables making up AUM are susceptible to the same metaphorical decipherment. The dream state (symbolized by U), lies between the waking state (A) and the dream state (symbolized by U), lies between the waking state (A) and the state of deep sleep (M). Indeed a dream is but the compound of the consciousness of waking life shaped by the unconsciousness of sleep.

The last part of the sound AUM (the M) known as ma or makar, when pronounced makes the lips close. This is like locking the door to the outside world and instead reaching deep inside our own selves, in search for the Ultimate truth.

AUM thus also encompasses within itself the complete alphabet, since its utterance proceeds from the back of the mouth (A), travelling in between (U), and finally reaching the lips (M). Now all alphabets can be classified under various heads depending upon the area of the mouth from which they are uttered. The two ends between which the complete alphabet oscillates are the back of the mouth to the lips; both embraced in the simple act of uttering of AUM.

Thus again it signifies that this mantra is no where connected with any religion, its a way to make one realize the self in a deeper state. The knowledge of OM take us to the inner depth of the soul opening the invisible doors towards our progress to the path of DIVINITY.

Meaning of OM (Symbol)

During my visit to the various religious spots across the country I could see and hear OM which is considered as the beej(seed) from which the universe originated.

I was bit amazed that this symbol has remained the same since the start of the creation and how come when there was no language there was a symbol from the HINDI LIPI that is unchanged till date. These question ignited a spark in me to bring out the actual meaning from behind the scene.

In the Chandogya Upanishad it is said:
The essence of all beings is the earth.
The essence of the earth is water.
The essence of water is the plant.
The essence of the plant is man.
The essence of man is speech.
The essence of speech is the Rigveda.
The essence of Rigveda is the Samveda.
The essence of Samveda is OM.

A deeper insight into this mystic symbol reveals that it is composed of three worlds combined into one. Indeed in Sanskrit the vowel 'o' is constitutionally a diphthong compound of a + u; hence OM is written as AUM.

Fittingly, the symbol of AUM consists of three curves (curves 1, 2, and 3), one semicircle (curve 4), and a dot.

The large lower curve 1 symbolizes the waking state (jagrat), in this state the consciousness is turned outwards through the gates of the senses. The larger size signifies that this is the most common ('majority') state of the human consciousness.

The upper curve 2 denotes the state of deep sleep (sushupti) or the unconscious state. This is a state where the sleeper desires nothing nor beholds any dream.

The middle curve 3 (which lies between deep sleep and the waking state) signifies the dream state (swapna). In this state the consciousness of the individual is turned inwards, and the dreaming self beholds an enthralling view of the world behind the lids of the eyes.

These are the three states of an individual's consciousness, and since Indian mystic thought believes the entire manifested reality to spring from this consciousness, these three curves therefore represent the entire physical phenomenon.

The dot signifies the fourth state of consciousness, known in Sanskrit as turiya. In this state the consciousness looks neither outwards nor inwards, nor the two together. It signifies the coming to rest of all differentiated, relative existence This utterly quiet, peaceful and blissful state is the ultimate aim of all spiritual activity. This Absolute (non-relative) state illuminates the other three states.

Finally, the semi circle symbolizes maya and separates the dot from the other three curves. Thus it is the illusion of maya that prevents us from the realization of this highest state of bliss. The semi circle is open at the top, and does not touch the dot. This means that this highest state is not affected by maya. Maya only affects the manifested phenomenon. This effect is that of preventing the seeker from reaching his ultimate goal, the realization of the One, all-pervading, unmanifest, Absolute principle. In this manner, the form of OM represents both the unmanifest and the manifest, the noumenon and the phenomenon.

Thus the symbol is no where connected with any religion, but our great spiritual sages have designed this as a spiritual symbol and through this tried to explain the different stages of growth of a soul towards spirituality and freedom from self.

Indeed the most forgotten essence that we have clubbed today with religion.

Energy Channels (NADIS)

I opened the news paper today to find the number of ways that can be used to save fuel, as this is the main resource for the proper functioning of the major machinery specially your own car. Reading the article a question appeared in my mind - It is said that the human body is the best machinery that is ever designed, so what is the fuel that is needed by this machinery for the proper day to day activities and what is the way the fuel is carried across this human machine.

With the blessing of the almighty, and the knowledge that i gained from cultures like Hinduism and TAO i would like to share here with you all what is the fuel that makes this human body operate and what are energy channels.

According to all the traditions it is the LIFE FORCE that makes the physical body work, as FUEL is required for a vehicle to operate, so this is the FUEL for the physical us to operate.
As per ayurveda this FUEL is explained as VATHA.
As per GITA this is said to be a force that would journey to the moon, sun and then the cosmos.
Thus PRANA is the FUEL for the human body

Now for this FUEL to circulate in the physical us we require some pathways, similar to circulating pipelines in a vehicle, so where is the circulating circuit in our system, how does PRAN shakti move from one part of us to other, the answer to this is NADIS (Energy channels)

As per YOGIC tradition there are 72,000 nadis(circulating blood along with PRANA) and among them 10 are most important, out of which i would put forward some details of the 3 main nadis which are most important and connected with PRANA transmission only.

1. Sushumana (Spinal Cord) : The spinal cord in Sanskrit is called as SUSHUMANA it basically describes the main NADI, this is the main path prana needs to move across us. According to "Brahma Vidyopanishad" this nerve start from the lower part of the spine and reaches the brain. It is also said that all the 72,000 nerves that starts from the base and pass through the cord to reach the brain.
The Kundalini(SERPENT) energy is situated at the base of the spine.

2. Ida (Moon): This nadi starts from the base of the spine and reaches left nostril after passing across the spinal cord and the left hemisphere of the brain. Some of the vibrations all effect the well being of the heart. This Nadi gives cooling effect to the physical body as that is the reason it is connected with MOON.

3. Pingala (Sun): This nadi starts from the base of the spine and reaches the right nostril after passing across the spinal cord and the right hemisphere of the brain. This Nadi gives heating effect to the physical body as that it is the reason is connected with SUN.

Now coming to what BHAGWAT GITA meant to say : force that would journey to the moon(IDA), sun(PINGALA) and then the cosmos(KUNDALINI).

The above stated are the 3 main nadis that need to be known to all who are there in this spiritual path and to add to it what is described below should also be known to the seeker of this path.

There is something more that TAO culture likes to share with all the spiritual souls, which is as below

There are two more important energy channels (total 32) known as the GOVERNOR CHANNEL (du mai) and FUNCTIONAL CHANNEL(ren mai)

Governor Channel - starts from the back side of the perineum point (Anus) flows up the spine and end at the mouth palate.
Functional Channel - starts from the tip of the tongue till the front part of the perineum point(Anus) flowing down the front of the body.

This explains the circuit of the physical us in energy form.

The governor channel and the functional channel form a circuit but this circuit is not complete as it is open at two point (1. mouth - gap between palate and tongue 2. Perinium opening). So how do we connect this circuit, for this we need the knowledge of KECHRI MUDRA.

For activation of the DIVINE us the 3 nadis should be clear and the circuit should be complete.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mantra as a WORD

According to Hindu Vedas - in the start there was a sound (AUM) and the resonance of which created the world.

According to the New Testament (John 1.1-2) - In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD.

According to ISLAM - It is the 99 names(Word) of ALLAH that brought in the creation of the world and helps in attaining love and humanity.

If we see we have every religion saying something about the WORD and these holy WORDS are nothing but the MANTRA. Mantra is a phonetic group of words that produce specific SOUND.

Mantra is a energy-based sounds which has the capability to change the subtle vibrations. It is known that the entire universe is made up of 5 elements (water,fire,ether,air,earth) and the mantra have the power to balance the 5 elements and provide peace and happiness.

Though the mantra's are tough to pronounce and understand but if it is not understood that does not mean it is not working, these work on the subtly layer of the physical self and the results are seen sooner or later depending on the devotion. It is similar to the pills given by the doctor whose chemical composition we do not know but yes we get well during the course. Though the chemical composition of the pills cannot be understood easily but yes the meaning of the mantra unfold during the course of practice.

Some mantras that can be used on daily basis are:

OM - This is the BEEJ mantra as per the Hindu scripture, without the use of OM there is no mantra that is said to be complete. This is the mantra from which everyone evolved.

99 NAMES OF ALLAH - This is a very powerful mantra in its self, the vibrations can be felt instantly.

OM MANI PADME HUM - Yet another very power ful mantra straight from the heart of BUDDHA. This mantra is very powerful if used during meditation.

SOHAM - This is the natural mantra that is flowing inside every human being and many of us are not aware of the same. While we inhale there is a subtle sound (SO) and when we exhale the subtle sound that is produced is (HAM). This mantra is practiced during the initial stages of meditation. It is very helpful in calming down the brain activities.

Mantra are not religious in term but they are open and everyone has the right to practice the mantra that suits them the best. It was the HINDUS who penned down SOHAM, the mantra related to the breath, this does not mean the anyone who is not an Hindu should stop breathing.

This is the nectar of the soul that is FORGOTTEN in the phase of time.

True Religion

Once upon a time there was a king who ruled over his subjects well. All his people were happy and his kingdom prospered. One day the King called all the religious heads of his land. Some were well renowned and well versed in Vedas and Puranas and some in the Bible, and yet others in the Koran and other scriptures. When all were gathered together, the King asked, "Oh holy ones! Today, at the request of my subjects, I wish to declare one particular religion as the religion of my land. I leave it to you to decide amongst yourself and to arrive at a unanimous decision as to which religion deserves royal patronage. However I feel only that religion should be chosen whose teachings are not refused by anyone."

Years rolled past, but no decision was taken. Each felt that his religion was the best, but none of the others agreed.

One day a traveling saint arrived in the kingdom. Upon learning about the king's unfulfilled desire, he immediately went up to the king and said "O! Mighty one! I am willing to show you the religion whose teachings nobody can refute."

The king was delighted. At last after long years of waiting an answer was at hand. "Please tell me soon my dear saint. I am impatient. I have waited for many long years." The saint replied "Be patient my king. I shall reveal the name of this religion to you, only at a quiet, secluded spot. Tomorrow at twelve noon, I shall be waiting for you near the banks of the holy River Ganga. We shall go across to the opposite shore and then I will reveal the best religion."

As decided, the saint and the king met at 12 noon the next day. The king ordered a boat to take them across the river. Immediately a boat was brought. Before the king could step inside, the saint expressed the desire to inspect the boat. "No this boat will not do as one wooden plank at the bottom of the boat is loose," he complained.

Another boat was brought. After close inspection, the saint observed that a few nails were missing along the side of the boat. The king ordered another boat to be brought. After close scrutiny, the saint rejected the boat saying that the paint was chipped. This was repeated many tunes over and over again. The king was slowly loosing his patience and could not stand it any longer
"Respected sir!" he said, "For the past so many hours you have been inspecting one boat after another. You have rejected each one of them. After all, what does it matter whether the paint is chipped or a few nails are missing or a plank is loose? As long as the boat is capable of taking us across the river, I feel that these minor faults should be overlooked."

The saint turned towards the king and smiled. Softly he explained "You have finally discovered that no boat is incapable of taking us across. The religions prevalent in our land are like the boats. Each one of them is capable of taking you to the Lord. To find faults in each other's faith is mere foolishness. Go back to your kingdom and continue to rule wisely, giving each religion as much respect as your own. Live in unity."

The king fell at the saint's feet. When he got up again, he felt himself richer - richer in knowledge and in wisdom, and better able to understand God's plan.

So my dear souls, this is what is the difference between SPIRITUALITY and RELIGION.

We fight on the name of religion and have FORGOTTEN the essence that we are SAME

Monday, April 13, 2009

Why we SHOUT in ANGER?


A saint asked his disciples, 'Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?'


Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout for that.'


'But, why to shout when the other person is just next to you?' asked the saint. 'Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you're angry?'

Final explanation:

Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the saint.

Finally he explained, 'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance.'

Then the saint asked, 'What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small...'

The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'

MORAL: When you argue do not let your hearts get distant, do not say words that distance each other more, else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today i would like to share a very deep teaching that is present in almost all the religion and would also try to decipher the same, as it is well know that what ever is there in all the religions, maximum is encoded(something simple but with deeper knowledge)

THE SEVEN - This is number that is very auspicious in terms with all the religions and the proof for the same is below

The seven churches of Christian Bible
The seven spirits of Egyptian Religion
The seven Angles of the Chaldeans
The seven Gates of Hindu Religion
The seven Sephiroth of Hebrew Kabala
The seven Ameshaspantas of Zoroastrians
The seven Archangles of revelation
etc etc.....

So what is there actually that is hidden under this SEVEN.

Not going too far we need to look inside US to find the answer to the same.
There are main SEVEN chakras in the human body that are essential for the proper being of the physical self. It is said that if these SEVEN chakras are purified one can easily be united with the divine above or divine within.

There are main SEVEN layer of AURA or the energy body around the physical one that cannot be seen with the naked eyes but yes it has been proved by ESP or Kirlian photography. It is again said that if these SEVEN layers are kept clean and purified one can easily be united with the divine above or divine within.

The same SEVEN in numerology is connected with the vertical connection between the material and spiritual world.

So does that actually mean what ever SEVEN represents in and across the religion lies within us and not somewhere outside.

Once during a meet with a huge gathering a Indian Saint once said:
The only difference between you and me is that i have seen the divinity within me and you have not.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Forbearance will overcome Hatred

Buddha was walking along the country-side begging for alms. He was
approaching a village. Many people in that village had a great
affection for Buddha. But just before he reached the outskirts of the
village, some young rowdies loitering along the road began to jeer at
him. A little surprised at this reception, Buddha stopped and sat
down on a rock. He said to them, "Well, gentlemen, what pleasure do
you derive from criticizing me?" Without giving any reason, they
increased their denunciation of Buddha. Buddha said, "Continue as
long as you want." They berated and reviled him to a point where they
got tired of their own invective. Buddha's forbearance was so well
developed that their hatred could not touch him. At first they were
having a good time, but finally, having exhausted themselves without
getting the reaction they wanted, they decided to go away.

As they were walking away, Buddha called out to them, "Children, I
want to tell you something. In the village just beyond here, there
are many people who love me very much. If they were to hear that you
have been denouncing me in this vile way, they would cut you to
pieces. In order to save you from that danger, I have stayed here on
this rock and allowed you to criticize me. In that way I have given
you a gift. Without spending a single cent, without making any
effort, I have been able to give you so much enjoyment by allowing
you to berate me. Rather than feel unhappy with your criticism, I am
glad because I have been able to give you some pleasure and spare you
from serious harm."

Then Buddha explained yet another important point to them in a way
that made an indelible impression on their hearts. "Suppose a poor
monk comes to your house and asks for alms. You bring some food out
to him. But suppose the type of food you are offering is ritually
impure and not acceptable by the monk. What will happen then? Since
he has not accepted your offer, you will have to take it back and it
will remain with you. Similarly, you are offering me all this
criticism. These are the alms you are trying to give me. But I have
not accepted your offerings. Well then, you will have to keep them;
they remain with you. So you see, all your criticisms are really just
being redirected to yourselves. You are not criticizing me at all!"

One can send a letter by registered post to a friend. If the friend
does not accept this registered letter, what will the Postal
Department do with the letter? It will redirect it back to the person
who sent it. If you are criticizing someone but this person does not
accept your criticism, then inevitably the criticism comes back to
you. Do not think that by voicing the jealousy and hatred you may be
feeling, that you will be troubling those to whom these odious
sentiments are directed. In truth, you will only be troubling
yourself. Jealousy and hatred will create great difficulties for the
one who is infected with them. Jealousy and hatred spring from egoism.